Empowering Your Future…

Butler and Brubaker Orthotics and Prosthetics is a leader in providing exceptional quality Orthotic and Prosthetic devices.  We are committed to giving each patient personalized and attentive care, understanding that their own needs are unique and deserving of our best.  At Butler and Brubaker Orthotics and Prosthetics, our desire is that everyone should feel comfortable knowing our goal is to tailor each device to meet their specific goals while utilizing the highest quality Orthotics & Prosthetic technology available.

Our office has a highly trained and dedicated staff to give you the personalized and exceptional service that Butler and Brubaker is known for. With over 30 years of highly specialized experience and training, you can expect the very best in your personal experience.  

“Ensuring that both patients and referring health care providers experience the absolute best in patient care.”

Carpe Diem!

 Being properly fitted for a prosthesis or orthotic device is a complex process. It requires skill, expertise, patience, care and consideration of the individual’s needs and desires. As unique as you are, we want to ensure that both the Orthotic or Prosthetic device is custom designed and built with your particular situation kept in mind, and that the fitting process is also designed and implemented in such a way that your personal needs and desires are met properly.

The Results Are In.

Over the past few years, there have been several studies published that document the impact that regular utilization of an Orthotic device or Prosthetic limb has had on the overall health of a patient. Each of these studies highlight the increased level of daily activity that a patient maintains when they consistently utilize their specified device.

While it’s certainly possible for people living with a congenital difference, altering injury or even limb loss to learn, adapt and manage many tasks without a specialized device; the increased activity levels seen through Orthotic and Prosthetic use and the psychological improvement associated with a higher activity level are well documented.